
Starting out trying to get into bbw dating world

Welcome to the club. Well, I think it matter of common sense, try it just to meet women, trying to know them as person. The fetish and your affection for fatter girl will come out eventually naturally. Just don’t push it.
2 years

Starting out trying to get into bbw dating world

The important thing is to remember there's no particular magic formula and they are just like everyone else.

The only main, significant differences I can think of, is to avoid activities that involve major, highly rigorous physical activity that most of them would not be keen on, or any place or area that may seem exceptionally, or specifically hostile to those who are larger.

The last part, I'm referring to something that's much less common than before. But if there's for example, some kind of nightclub where you know the other patrons are for the most part, hostile to those who are larger, you'd want to give that a pass. If you feel like there might be any potential doubt, because it's a place you've never been to before, maybe give it a pass anyway.

Another type of place to avoid, unless you know for a fact it's different, are restaurants with booth seating but very limited table seating, and you know it will be packed. Or any place where you think you might have to stand for hours and hours, though this too is unlikely.

Other things to remember and consider too, to avoid getting or being weird:

- The average BBW is probably, and most likely NOT into feederism.

- It's even possible she hates the way she looks and wants to lose weight, but has found it difficult to do so. It might be possible to help her overcome this, but sometimes this may just not be possible, as she may not be open to it. Imagine if someone wanted you to grow a beard, or if you have a beard, to shave it off and never have one again? Same kind of thing.

- You can offer or suggest getting more food, or a snack or whatever. But if she declines, don't push it.

- Many women, regardless of size, are reluctant or scared to eat more than her date, even if she remains hungry. Unfortunately, there's not much you can do about this, unless you are also fat and a big eater, in which case she'd be far less self-conscious. I would not recommend saying things like "It's okay if you have some more."

- In my area anyway (not applicable to all areas), nearly all BBW in relationships, I've noticed the man tends to be quite big himself. And if there's a contrast in size, it's nearly always a big man and thinner woman. I'd guess it might be because he makes similar accommodations in his personal life.

- What you'd be much more likely to find, is someone who doesn't mind her size and doesn't care if some don't like how she may have a larger appetite.
2 years

Starting out trying to get into bbw dating world

Motti and ChubbyChix have good advice above.

If there is a size-positive group nearby, that would be my first option. I definitely prefer to meet people IRL over online.

I have no idea what is available in Panama. I have not been there in ~30 years, and that was part of military duties.

True that most fat people are not into intentionally gaining weight. This website is proof that some are, though. I'd say that most FFAs would have no problem with a partner who wants to gain, and some would enthusiastically encourage it.
2 years